Synergy Dental Dunedin

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What will happen if I don't treat gum disease

It is important to attend a scheduled periodontal treatment if gum disease is detected to avoid painful and costly complications and oral health problems. Neglecting gum disease can potentially lead to the following problems:

  • Progression to periodontitis: Gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease, can progress to periodontitis if left untreated. Periodontitis involves the destruction of the supporting tissues and bone around the teeth. As the disease advances, the gum pockets deepen, allowing more bacteria to accumulate and cause further damage. This can lead to tooth loss as the supporting structures become compromised.

  • Tooth loss: Advanced gum disease is a significant cause of tooth loss in adults. As the infection and inflammation progress, the teeth may become loose and eventually fall out or require extraction. Tooth loss can affect your ability to chew, speak, and smile confidently.

  • Pain and discomfort: Gum disease can cause pain, sensitivity, and discomfort in the gums. In advanced cases, it can lead to abscesses, which are painful infections in the gum tissue or the roots of the teeth.

  • Visual appearance: Gum disease can cause the gums to recede, exposing the tooth roots and giving the teeth an elongated appearance. It can also lead to bad breath, persistent bad taste, and a generally unattractive smile.

  • Higher treatment costs: Treating advanced gum disease and its complications can be more extensive and costly than early intervention. Gum surgery, bone grafting, or tooth replacement may be necessary to restore oral health and functionality.

Receiving timely dental care from our compassionate dentists and gentle hygienists is crucial in addressing gum disease. It is recommended to have regular dental cleanings and check-ups to detect any signs of gum disease early on. By doing so, treatment becomes easier and more affordable. Additionally, practising good oral hygiene habits and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help prevent gum disease.